Saraswati vandana prayer in hindi
Saraswati vandana prayer in hindi

saraswati vandana prayer in hindi

Never does he yield to indiscretion and become stupid, nor does he ever break the vow of celibacy. Kahum gahi kumati na bane gamvara I khandai virya na ekahu bara II astaprakara prasamgana mem se I jo na kari prasamga bhulahum se II ho niroga balaka tanu soi I takahum svapnadosa nahim hoi II The student who shakes off perversity and evil company and chants the mantra (regularly), succeeds in all examinations, finds himself happier, and his knowledge and intellect grow richer and sharper. Whosoever repeats the sacred formula “Sri sarasvatyai namah” never succumbs to any sickness even in a dream. Sri sarasvatyai namah japata jana I svapnahum roga na vyadhi rahata tana II yadi taji kumati kusamgati koi I vidyarthi paRhahim yaha joi II saphala pariksa maham hvai javai I vidya buddhi baRhai sukha pavai II Glory to you, O Kausiki and beloved of Gauri ! Glory, all glory to you, O beloved of the four-faced Brahma ! Glory to you, O goddess of creative art and its embellisher you dwell on the tongues of the poet and the minstrel. Jai ho racana sajana vali I rasana bica virajana vali II jayati kausiki gaura dulari I jayati jayati caturanana pyari II The serpent king and the great god Mahesa sing your praises everyday, while myriads of Loves (Kama) feel abashed when they behold your beauty. The vina in your hand and the wreath of malati flowers are two of your other adornments. Yours shapely and beautiful eyes rival the loveliness of the lotus and your bright forehead the lustre of the moon. Nayana kamala sobhita sasi bhala I vina hasta malati malaI II sesa mahesa suyasa nita gavai I chavi lakhi kotihum kama lajavai II

#Saraswati vandana prayer in hindi full

Your appearance is as beautiful as the fair, full autumnal moon, and the swan, your white vehicle, looks charming. O queen consort, all the seven musical notes and all mellifluous speech, which is sweet as nectar, are but the ambrosial water with which your feet are washed (or the sacred water flowing from your feet). Sapta surana rasanamrta vani I yaha tava caranamrta maharani II saraccamdra sama tava tana sohata I sveta hamsavahana mana mohata II This I say, O Mother, with my head bowed everyday to your feet. Grant me faith and bringing my efforts to fruition bless me with the stregth of wisdom and the power of knowledge, so that I may win victory and become a universal celebrity. Karahu kaja purana dai bhakti I bharahu buddhi bala, vidya sakti II lahaum vijaya jaga maham yasa paum I tava nita matu carana sira naum II Make my throat your dwelling and bless me with sacred speech, considering that I, your own son, am ignorant. Glory, all glory to you, O Sarasvati, the mother of the world ! Tarry not today, O Mother, but come at once (to deliver me from ignorance). Jai jai sarasvati jagadamba I karahu matu jani aja vilamba II basi mama kamtha dehu sada vani I nija suta jani eka ajnani II Glory to you, O Mother, Sambhavi, you are creative sound and sacred speech you play on the vina, and love lotuses you are the supreme goddess of the world and the only support of the poet.

saraswati vandana prayer in hindi

Jai sata vadini sambhavi, vina vadini amba I padmapriye paramesvari, ika tumhari hi avalamba II Glory to you, O Mother, who are the inexhaustible fountainhead of blessings, and on whom the gods, men, hermits and votaries wait. Glory, glory, all glory to you, O Bharati, who are Saraswati, the goddess of Speech, whoa re reverenced throughout the world. Jayati jayati jai bharati, sarasvati jaga devi I jayati amita varadayini, sura nara muni jana sevi II We pray to you as humble souls to fill our minds Oh Goddess Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge, May you fully remove my lethargy, sluggishness, and ignorance." "May Goddess Saraswati, who is fair like the jasmine-colored moon, and whose pure white garland is like frosty dew drops who is adorned in radiant white attire, on whose beautiful arm rests the veena, and whose throne is a white lotus who is surrounded and respected by the Gods, protect me. Saa Maam Paatu Saraswatee Bhagavatee Nihshesha jaadyaapahaa|| Yaa brahmaachyutha shankara prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha| Yaa veenavara dandamanditakara, Yaa shwetha padmaasana||

saraswati vandana prayer in hindi

Yaa Kundendu tushaara haaradhavalaa, Yaa shubhravastraavritha|

Saraswati vandana prayer in hindi